My car always well kept!


Car safety

Polish law clearly informs drivers what should be included in the car's equipment and what accessories that are crucial for safety must be in every car. The Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of December 31, 2002 states that each car must have fire extinguisher and warning triangle. Otherwise, during a road check, the driver may face consequences in the form of a fine ranging from PLN 20 to PLN 500. The place where safety accessories are placed in the car is also important. They must be easy to access, e.g. a fire extinguisher cannot be kept in the trunk, but in most cases it is there. Warning triangle must necessarily have approval.

The situation is different in the case of a first aid kit, which, according to Polish law, does not have to be included in the car's equipment. However, providing first aid to an injured person after witnessing an accident is our duty. So it's worth having car first aid kit, which in many cases can even save other people's lives. The first aid kit must include bandages in various sizes, disposable gloves, dressing scarves, gauze compresses, a triangular scarf, a thermal blanket, scissors and first aid instructions.

Other accessories that affect the safety of the driver and other road users include: breath tests. They are especially useful when traveling and on vacation. There is no need to visit the police station to check your blood alcohol level, you can do it yourself and be sure that you are ready to drive. 

There are many other additional elements of vehicle equipment that are not always mandatory, but significantly increase the sense of safety and may prove irreplaceable during unexpected events. In this product group we present accessories Moje Auto Virage affecting the safety of car travel. It includes, among others: towing ropes, car first aid kits, jumper cables, breathalyzers, fire extinguishers, reflective vests, warning triangle, car pumps, reserve canisters and LED flashlights. Having them in your car will not only allow you to properly secure the scene of an accident or mark your car when it is necessary to replace a wheel, e.g. on the highway. You will be prepared to provide first aid and repair minor faults.

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