My car always well kept!

Preparations for cleaning car windows and headlights

Dirty car windows can effectively block the beautiful view outside the window. However, dirt affects driving safety. With limited visibility, it is difficult for us to assess traffic on the road, the distance from the car in front of us, or to see a passer-by at a pedestrian crossing. A seemingly trivial problem often leads to serious accidents. Only regular cleaning of the windows and protecting them against further dirt, dust and insects increases visibility on the road. Headlights are also responsible for safety, and are often neglected and neglected when caring for a car. As a result of external factors and the passage of time, they become dull and scratches appear. This means that they let much less light through, and without them, safe driving at night is impossible.

Every driver and car owner should have one in their equipment car glass cleaning products. You cannot forget about cleaning them from the inside as well. Using them, you can remove dirt, dust and greasy stains from windows, headlights and mirrors.

In category glass preparations Moje Auto I propose car glass cleaning products – external and internal as well as mirror surfaces and reflectors. The line includes products in the form of liquids, foams - especially useful for cleaning vertical surfaces, and cloths for manual dirt removal. The category is complemented by a preparation that reduces window fogging and windshield washer fluids in the following versions: summer - in the form of concentrates in four scents, and winter.

Preparations for cleaning car windows and headlights od Moje Auto they contain polymers that fill micro-scratches, thus preventing dirt from entering the glass. Moreover, we offer agents with antistatic properties that protect surfaces against dust accumulation. These are products for special tasks, effectively removing organic dirt, insects, grease and mud. It is also important that they do not leave streaks on the windows, which often appear when washing at car washes or when using household detergents.

Remember to wash the windows and headlights regularly and always with products intended for this purpose. Don't forget about headlights, mirrors and cleaning the windows from the inside. Ensure good visibility and safety 

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