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How to get out of a snowdrift? Practical advice

How to get out of a snowdrift? Car in the snow

In winter, accidentally driving into a snowdrift is not difficult. It can happen, for example, when you have to pull over to the side of a narrow road for a moment or when you have to pull off the sidewalk by your house. What to do when your car gets stuck in the snow?

  • How to get out of a snowdrift? It's worth starting with rocking. and also on a stable surface under the wheels. It may be necessary to tow.
  • Getting out of a snowdrift in an automatic is a bit more complicated. You'll need to turn off the traction control.
  • A car in a snowdrift is a problem. For this reason, it is worth avoiding roads where such snowdrifts may appear.
  • Find out more, read our article about car in winter!


Why is getting out of a snowdrift so difficult?

How to get out of a snowdrift - car in the snow

When a car gets stuck in a snowdrift, its wheels lose contact with solid ground. They slip and sink into the soft snow. They can't get enough traction on the road or ground to generate the power needed to move the vehicle. Because of this, car in a snowdrift it's quite a problem. Getting out of a snowdrift can be a challenge - so it's worth knowing a few tricks that will help you deal with the problem.

How to get out of a snowdrift? Try the popular swing

Car in a snowdrift

Of course, having a car in a snowdrift is difficult to get out of. However, there are a few methods that can be used in such a moment. How to get out of a snowdrift? In most cases, rocking the car is enough to get out of a snowdrift. To achieve this effect, you should set the steering wheel straight ahead, shift into the lowest gear and try to move a few centimetres forward and then immediately back. This action should be repeated at least a few times. If the car still remains stationary, it is necessary to select second gear.

Rocking the car in most cases results in the driver being able to get out of the snowdrift on their own – without the help of anyone else. However, there are situations in which moving forward and backward is not enough.

What to do if your car gets stuck in a snowdrift? Make sure you have a stable surface under your wheels.

What to do when your car gets stuck in a snowdrift - car in a snowdrift

Well, okay, and what to do when your car gets stuck in a snowdrift, and rocking doesn't help? If the car doesn't respond to attempts to move off, it's best to get out and put something under the wheels. Sand is the best choice, but remember that in very cold weather the ground is completely frozen. If you don't carry a supply of loose material that can be placed under the wheels in an emergency, a rubber mat from the inside of the vehicle is also a good choice.

Once you have created a stable surface that provides adequate friction between the tires and the snow, you can try to pull away. This will be easier with the help of another person to push the car.

Warning: Before you put anything under the wheels, remove the snow around them. You can do this with a shovel carried in the trunk, or as a last resort - with your hands.

Also read: Driving on icy roads – what to remember? 7 rules

How to get out of a snowdrift in an automatic?

How to get out of a snowdrift with an automatic? Car in a snowdrift

You wonder How to get out of a snowdrift with an automatic? In this case, rocking will not work. What's more, it can lead to overheating of important components. For this reason, when driving a car with an automatic transmission, you have to act differently.

  1. Turn off traction control.
  2. Lock the transmission in first gear (L or 1) or reverse.
  3. Try driving a few centimeters.
  4. Brake and wait until the wheels come to a complete stop.
  5. Wait and go in the opposite direction.
  6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5.

At first glance, the method of operation in the case of automatics is quite similar to the popular swing. The most important difference, however, is that you have to wait until the wheels have completely stopped each time. Otherwise, you can overheat the mechanism.

Towing as a way to get out of a snowdrift

How to get out of a snowdrift? Snow-covered car

If the car is stuck with its undercarriage in a snowdrift, it will not be possible to drive out using the methods mentioned above. In such a case, the only solution is towing – by a tow truck or another passenger vehicle.

If you decide to use this method, remember to attach the line in the right place. You should only increase the speed once it is taut.

What to avoid when trying to get out of a snowdrift?

Getting out of the snowdrift - car in the snow

It is worth remembering that car in a snowdrift can be damaged very easily. For this reason, it is best to get out immediately after it gets stuck in the snow and assess the situation. This way, you can avoid making it worse. It is worth checking whether there is, for example, a high curb under the snowdrift.

In addition, avoid constant gassing. This can overheat important components and damage the car. It is better to act calmly, making repetitive movements.

How to avoid snowdrifts?

A car driving through the snow

It is already known that getting out of the snowdrift can be very difficult, and in some cases towing will be necessary. So the question arises as to how to avoid such snowdrifts? First of all, it is worth checking the weather forecast regularly and avoiding trips during heavy snowfall. We also recommend choosing main and well-maintained routes, where road services remove snow more often. Especially in the case of mountainous areas, it is definitely worth using a four-wheel drive vehicle or tire chains to reduce the risk of getting stuck in a snowdrift. In some places, the use of such chains is even required.

Check, how to brake in snow!

We hope you now know how to get out of a snowdrift. The most important thing is not to panic. After all, getting out of a snowdrift doesn't have to be difficult. However, it's worth following a few rules so as not to make the problem worse.